Latest news from CSSC Squash
Dear all,
Thanks to everyone who competed at the CSSC Games in the annual singles tournament last month - it was a great success. An event report including some photos is now available on the website at:
We have also updated the Ladders with the results from the games. Ladders can be found at
Do we have your details correct on the ladder (CSSC Area and Organisation)? In most cases we have no details at all. Please could you check them and help us fill in the gaps / fix any errors by sending an email to Mark with any updates at:
Just some dates for your diary now for future events:
- 4th & 5th Feb 2010 - National Team Championships
- 19th & 20th Mar 2010 - National Age Group Championships
- 19th & 20th Nov 2010 - Annual Singles Championships
Please note: Venues are yet to be confirmed. Futher details will be made online when they are finalised. The date of the singles championships in November is ever so slightly different to a date previously advertised - appologies if this has caused you problems.
And finally... some of you may already have received an email from CSSC regarding a Racketball Questionnaire. If you haven't then we are trying to gage potential interest in Racketball. If you could take a couple of minutes to fill out this short questionnaire and return via e-mail it would be greatly appreciated. All fully completed questionnaires will be entered into a free prize draw for the chance to win £25 worth of Countdown Vouchers!
The questionnaire can be downloaded at:
Please can you return your completed forms to Tom Power at:
Bye for now!