We are continuing to see a good standard of squash in the Ladies section. The Ladies Team consists of two international players as well as ladies playing for Premier Divisions and who have played for their counties so we have a wealth of experience. However we are also seeing new lady squash players entering our competitions. The graded tournaments in particular give all standards a chance. In fact one such lady who entered a graded tournament couple of years ago made her debut in the Ladies National Team this year showing the progress she has made. The Ladies Ladder is also keenly contested and regularly updated.
The main fixture of the year for the Ladies is the Crown Services Tournament. This fixture initially started as a men's event and later we were invited to join them. However whilst the men play three teams, the Combined Forces, the Fire and Police Services the Fire Service sadly are unable to field a ladies team. The event is played at Nottingham which is an excellent venue and very popular with Civil Service squash. If anyone has an opportunity to play there don't hesitate......go! The facilities are second to none and it is one of the friendliest clubs I've ever been to.
This year we were missing our number one English International Heather Tweedle who had entered the British Open in Manchester. This was to prove costly in our match against the Police Ladies who had strength in depth but realistically this would not have changed the final score. Kay Dalton from HMRC made her debut and won in fine form against the Combined Services. It was a good performance and once again an enjoyable weekend.
If anyone is interested in playing for the teams or joining the ladder please please don't be shy and contact me!
Sian Hughes, Ladies Captain